I am working on the archival description and arrangement course for the ICA’s online training platform, and hope that you might have 10 minutes to complete a survey that will help inform this work.
To make sure the that the course is most useful, we want to understand the current practices and tools that are used for archival description around the world. We are particularly keen to receive insights from institutions with limited access to professional tools, training and resources.
>>> The survey is available in English here: http://bit.ly/describearchives
>>> A French language version of the survey (thank you Claude Roberto!) is available here: http://bit.ly/decrirelesarchives
(Vos réponses soutiendront le travail du Conseil international des archives dans le développement de sa nouvelle plateforme de formation en ligne. Nous tenons particulièrement à nous assurer que nous représentons les points de vue de personnes qui font du travail de description dans différents pays. Veuillez encourager vos collègues à participer.
Toutes les réponses seront traitées de manière anonyme. Si vous souhaitez fournir vos coordonnées pour un éventuel engagement ultérieur dans ce travail – veuillez le faire à la fin du sondage.
L’enquête restera ouverte jusqu’au 30 avril 2020. )
It is designed to take just ten minutes to complete.
Please feel free to forward this to contacts and colleagues who aren not members of this mailing list.
All responses will be treated anonymously. If anyone would like to provide contact details for potential further engagement with this work, they are invited to do so at the end of the survey.
Thank you for your time and support – it really is appreciated.
Best wishes
Siân Wynn-Jones
Siân Wynn-Jones | Think Wynn
sian@thinkwynn.com | @sian_wj