The International Standards Organization has published a new Technical Report, TR 21946, on Appraisal for managing records.


The TR was developed to provide further guidance on the approach to appraisal described in ISO 15489:2016. It describes what is involved in appraisal work, including the analysis and documentation of business, its context, requirements and risks, and why this work is an essential part of implementing recordkeeping in any context, over time. The Editorial Committee worked on the TR bearing in mind the same set of assumptions that were part of the development of ISO 15489, including the need to design and manage recordkeeping and its changes in an holistic and proactive way. Only with this types of strategic approach can we deal effectively with large and complex systems, massive volumes of data, decentralisation, fluid organisational boundaries and changing expectations about rights in records.


Many congratulations to Wout Van Der Reijden of the National Archives of the Netherlands, Project Lead and lead author on the TR.


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